Michigan Legislature Clarifies Teen Work Hour Law

In a move that will likely help employers, the Michigan Legislature recently amended the youth employment law, MCL 409.111. The amendment clarifies the number of hours that minors between the ages of sixteen and eighteen, who are also enrolled in school, may work. The law now states that minors between those ages may work no more than 24 hours a week when school is in session. Under the previous law, minors could work no more than a combined 48 hours between school and work.

Although the new law is easier for employers to comply with, it may end up reducing the total number of hours a minor may work. For example, if school was in session for only two days in a particular week (at 7 hours per day), the minor would still only be able to work 24 hours. Under the old law, the student would have been able to work 34 total hours during that week.

Although the rest of the law remains the same, it is important for employers to remember that a minor may not work before 6:00am, even on the weekends. This point is especially important for employers in service and hospitality businesses (such as restaurants and golf courses) whose employees’ shifts often start before 6:00 am.