Is It a Tax Or a User Fee?

Ken and Daria Dolan’s article “11 Outrageous Taxes” discusses 11 various charges that are being levied or have been proposed as future charges. Whether these are taxes or user fees depend on your point of view. While most people are familiar with “sin taxes” some of these on this list are clearly unusual and creative i.e. “card tax”, “haunted house tax”and the “crash tax”.

While reading this article I was immediately reminded of the following quote from Ronald Reagan.

“If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving regulate it. And if it stops moving subsidize it.”

Ultimately it is up each taxpayer to decide for themselves at the ballot box whether the government services they receive are worth the taxes or user fees that they pay for those services.

This article was written by Jay Kossen, CPA at Numerico, PC. Click here to view Numerico’s website.