We Have Become an Embarrassment

Honestly my father and his generation (World War II Vets) would be absolutely appalled at the lack of manners that exists in today’s world. Seriously, how many of you “men” actually stand up when a woman leaves the table? When was that last time you stood up when she returned? How about opening the car door when she gets in or out or any door for the lady for that matter? There is an obvious disrespect as it relates to the way we treat a lady these days and I find it disheartening.

How about the way you treat other people’s property? Take you employer’s property for example; do you handle it as if it were your own?

I also find today’s generations penchant for vulgarity to be nothing short of disgusting. When I grew up if I so much as uttered a vulgar word out came a bar of Ivory Soap which my Dad substituted in for a tooth brush; that of course was after I picked myself up off the floor.

As the saying goes “the pendulum swings”. One can only hope that when it does, it eliminates the bad behavior that has become so much a part of our society and brings with it a restoration of manners and gentleman like behavior.

The catalyst for my rant is an article entitled “Top 10 Etiquette Blunders” written by Mr. Steve Strauss (CLICK HERE TO READ THE ARTICLE). It should be as no surprise to the reader that we have “come so far” as a society that Mr. Strauss needs to remind us of “magic words.” Remember those???

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