Full Disclosure

Like most kids growing up I had to learn the importance of telling the truth. To encourage that Dad used to say “You will be in far less trouble telling me the truth than if you lie to me.” The message was clear; either way there will be an undesirable consequence BUT coming clean always resulted in the less severe of the two.

Certainly part of what attracted me to the CPA profession is the significance of full and accurate disclosure in all business dealings. Given my upbringing my choice of professions was more than a coincidence.

Having said that, in her article “3 Things Your Accountant May Not Be Telling You” by Barbara Weltman, covers things you should know and your accountant should be sharing.

Suffice it to say if you are dealing with an accountant where the relationship is anything but honest and open then its time for a change.

See the link below for added details.

3 Things Your Accountant May Not Be Telling You

This article was written by Gary Field, CPA at Numerico, PC. Click here to view Numerico’s website.