Personal Success – For Life and Business (Part 5)

victoryFinancial Independence

There are universal laws of compensation. Perhaps the most recognizable of all is “As ye sow, so also shall ye reap”. In the spiritual sense, it is important to remember that we all have everything that we need right now and always.

Giving without the expectation of getting enhances the harvest. Going the extra mile or providing service beyond that which is being paid for puts you on the correct path. These are universal truths that lead us to financial independence.

Making a commitment to do what it takes and being willing to pay the price leads to financial independence. Living by the age-old adage, “waste not, want not” enhances it.

Some of you will be shocked by the following statement, but did you know it is perfectly legal to be out of debt? THAT’S RIGHT! Apparently, however, many of us have been sold on the “borrow your way to wealth” concept. The concept is ludicrous, just look at the housing market as an example.

Although there is a way leverage can contribute to your financial independence, it must be used judiciously.

Finishing the series up tomorrow, we will touch on Meaningful Goals and Objectives and Self Actualization.

This article was written by Gary Field, CPA at Numerico, PC. Click here to view Numerico’s website.