The Importance of Keeping Score

In his article “How Keeping Score Keeps you Accountable”, Mr. Moltz addresses the daily monitoring he must go through in light of his diabetes issue and uses his diabetes to emphasize the significance of monitoring the day to day results for any business. The article serves as a reminder of the importance of both counting our blessings and the daily scorekeeping in our businesses.

Certainly Mr. Moltz is correct in using the financial statements example as being “one of the most important score cards a business owner has”. However, IF your CPA prepares financials at all, it is only once per month and generally the business owners aren’t using them as a tool for keeping score. What business owners need to understand is that if they want to improve their score one way is by having a better understanding of these financials and, at the same time, be able to monitor results daily.

As any business owner knows if your score card is tallied up only once per month there is no way the result will ever be as good as it could be by having daily measures of performance. A good operator knows what operating results are by day, week and month and as such can improve his or her score so that by month end you achieve the result you desire.

And lastly I count my blessings because while I experience the ups and downs of success and failure, yes on a day to day basis, I am healthy.

The article is well done and well worth the read. See below for the link.